🌎 Empower Tomorrow, Shape Today

🌿 Climate Action is the Right Way

🌎 Empower Tomorrow, Shape Today 🌿 Climate Action is the Right Way


We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership  (WAT-GP) is a bottom-up, youth-led and fully volunteer-based organisation that supports youth climate organisations across the world to advocate for all concrete climate ambitions.

We call these 'partner organisations'.

Each partner organisation develops a ‘National Youth Climate Agenda’, also known as NYCA, and campaigns to have their national government adopt this youth-led vision for the future. The partners are encouraged to act with full autonomy and independence, to choose their course of action tailored to the local context, and to address their local climate and political challenges through the National Youth Climate Agendas.

WAT-GP’s vision consists of the following objectives:

1. Have governments increase the level of ambition of nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
2. Raise awareness of climate change and the strength of youth in order to increase youth participation in the climate debate.
3. Inspire youth networks worldwide to formulate their own ambitions and convince their governments to take more climate action.
4. Generate publicity for youth networks in order to stimulate youth participation globally.
5. Establish a permanent place for our partners in the policy arenas of their respective countries.



Climate change and lack of climate justice are global issues that impact all social groups and involve both present and future generations. Because of this, we sought to create a united and coordinated climate youth movement across the global North and South. We wanted to build a platform that would unite young voices that advocate for a climate-just future, strengthen cross-border youth networks and create constructive national and international climate action plans.

Following the aforementioned idea, WAT-GP was first established as a working group of the Youth Climate Movement NL in 2019. As of the 30th of August 2022, WAT-GP is registered as an independent foundation in order to fulfil its raison d’être as an international collaboration of youth climate focussed organisations.

The partnership currently consists of fifteen partner organisations from the following countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Israël, Mexico, Nepal, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Qatar, South-Africa, Switzerland, Uganda, and Yemen. Our partners are supported by a Facilitating Team consisting of the WAT-GP board and multiple Taskforces. WAT-GP team members contribute on a voluntary basis for 8-10 working hours per week.